518.725.5956 (shelter)    518.736.2100 (report abuse/found animals: 24 hours)

December 2021 volunteer Spotlight – Dale Golden

Congratulations to Dale Golden for being chosen as December’s Volunteer Spotlight!

Dale has been a volunteer with Regional since November 2018 and lives with his partner Stephen and Buddy, a10 year old Cocker Spaniel and Piper, a 4 year old Amazon Parrot.  Dale has worked for Progressive Insurance as a Litigation Associate for 8 Years and Marriott Albany as a Bellman for 1 Month.

We asked Dale to tell us something that most teammates might not know about him, and he said “I am deathly afraid of snakes. When mowing my yard, I’ve had neighbors come over because they thought I was hurt, and it was because I saw a snake. The whole neighborhood heard me scream! LOL”

Dale decided to become a volunteer because of his fear of Pit bulls.  Dale says “Wait don’t attack me LOL I was never the one who said pit bulls were bad, but my philosophy was, in order to get over a fear of something is to face it head on.  Now the Pitbull is one of my favorite animals next to the German Shepherd.”

We asked Dale what his funniest or best memory of being a volunteer? He said “ Probably getting pummeled by a full-grown Great Dane.  I thought I could control him, but he turned around put his front paws on my shoulders (He was as tall as I was) and pushed me to the ground to attack me with kisses. I could not stop laughing!”

“In my opinion the best part about being a volunteer with Regional is Renee.  As a former volunteer in a larger facility, it does not compare to the compassion, love, and help that Renee does for the animals and the volunteers.  Also, the family environment that she creates.  We are a family with good times and bad times, but we support one another 100% no matter what!”

We asked Dale what he would tell someone who was thinking about volunteering? “ Do it, no matter if it is at our shelter, another animal shelter, or another line of volunteering.  It is very rewarding to help a person or animal in need. “

Thank you Dale for your dedication and commitment to the furfriends at Regional!

Join Dale and the Regional family by applying to volunteer today!

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